Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Another photo of Gettysburg covered quite a bit of real estate.  This part of the "Driving Tour", which we have yet to do....perhaps on our third visit. When we got to the town of Gettysburg, we stopped at McDonalds to get a sandwich and had the distinct opportunity to arrive the afternoon of the high school prom.  Young girls in their very nice formal, prom dresses.......eating at McDonalds  One young girl with her date was nicely dressed as was her date in his black shoes, black pants, cumberbun, black vest and his camo hunting hat!  It was amazing how we were drawn to the hat before we noticed he was wearing his prom clothes.  A quite old gentleman sat in the table next to us and begin telling us how much he hated Gettysburg...."nothing but d*** tourists", but his wife got him there 25 years ago and so he's stuck there.  McDonalds is the place to see and be seen.

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