Friday, June 6, 2008

The sign says it all!  Stopped here to rest from the torture of fighting the winds.  Amazingly, the wind stopped about 10 miles from here.  It lasted until just out of Guymon, where it picked up again more intense than ever.  There were a few times when we thought the trip would end in the ditch out in the middle of sparsley populated farm country of OK.  We finally made the 105 miles from Guymon to Woodward in almost 4 hours of physical torture.  My arms felt like the size Popeye's arms!  Leaving Woodward the next morning the wind was blowing but no where near the intensity of the day before.  We rolled into Clayton, NM in about 3 1/2 hours.  Clayton is a genuine cowboy town.  The entire of the economy is based on cattle ranching and a few tourists (like us).  Unfortunately, the town did not appear prosperous. 

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